Wednesday, July 30, 2014

100 things I learned from attending FIVE LITERARY CONFERENCES in 2014

I attended my record number of conferences this year: RSJ (Romance Slam Jam) and RT Booklovers Convention--both were in May; RomCon (Romance Convention) in June; RWA (Romance Writers of American) in July and now I'm heading to the National Black Book club Conference.
So now until the end of the year, I would like to share some of the highlights I learned that every author should know, regardless of the genres.
***Also, If you attended a writer's conference, this year, please feel free to share. Make sure you Identify the conference.

  1. The first thing I implemented was an image quote. Whatever social media site we're on, we always have something to say. According to Cindy Ratzlaff, a guest speaker at RWA, we should add a photo, graphic, video, or audio to create an image quote. Here is my first attempt I posted on FB:
Check out this website for ideas.
Here is another site:

2.  Another tip from Cindy Ratzlaff is contests. She suggest monthly raffles. I'll share the list in my next post.


  1. Great tips, I started using graphics more last year and created a series on Promotion and Dreams. I love your daily scriptures. Turn them into graphics.
